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Mentorship of the Month Winner for April of 2024 Michelle Gremp

Michelle Gremp and her Mentees

We would like to congratulate Michelle Gremp for winning the Mentorship of the Month for April. Her work with her students in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education program has been inspriing. We want to take a moment to recognize her for the hard work she has done with her students.

Mentorship of the Month Winner for March of 2024 Joshua Reichert

Joshua Reichert and Lab Group

This month we would like to congratulation Josh Reichert and his students for teh great work that they are doing. A brief synopsis of the work that has been produced by Josh's lab is below:

Mentorship of the Month Winner for December 2023 Dr. Camille Skubik-Peplaski

Dr. Skubik-Peplaski with students and her co-investigator

Congratulations to our December of 2023 Mentorship of the Month Winner Dr. Camille Skubik-Peplaski.

Mentorship of the Month Winner for February of 2024 Heather Fox

Heather Fox and her students that she mentors

Congratulations to our Mentorship of the Month Winner for February of 2024, Dr. Heather Fox.

Mentorship of the Month January 2024 Dr. James Kirby Easterling

Dr. Easterling with his mentees

Our Mentorship of the Month Winner for January is Dr. James Kirby Easterling. Dr. Easterling is an Assistant Professor-Global Supply Chain Management in the College of Business.

Mentorship of the Month: Zach Maggard, Ricelle Gibson, Sasha Carrasco, and Dr. Sally Chambers

Mentorship of the Month November 2023

Congratulations to our mentorship of the month winner Dr. Chambers and her students due to all of their great work and productivity.

Mentorship of the Month: Dr. Michael J. Bradley

Dr. Michael J Bradley is the Mentor/Mentorship of the Month for December.  Here are some of the projects he has been invloved with over the past few years with his undergraduate and graduate students:

1. Daniel Boone National Forest National Visitor Use Monitoring Study (2016-2017)

EKU Student Research Grant

The EKU Division of Natural Areas would like to announce the availability of student research grants for up to $1,000. The Grant in Aid Program is designed to assist with funding student research at EKU's natural areas: Maywoods Environmental and Educational Laboratory, Lilley Cornett Woods Appalachian Ecological Research Station, and Taylor Fork Ecological Area.

Research Opportunities at National Laboratories

Research Opportunities at National Laboratories

Undergraduate, Post-Baccalaureates, Graduate Students, k-12 students, teachers, and Faculty.

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