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Welcome to Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors (URCE)

The purpose of the URCE is to provide opportunities for faculty-student mentorships for the purpose of deep learning, professional skill development, and contributing to the worldwide knowledge base. We are dedicated to our vision: HIGH QUALITY SCHOLARSHIP THROUGH HIGH QUALITY MENTORSHIPS.

We encourage you to take a look at the many services and resources we provide, including our $500 Conference Travel Awards, our Mentor Match-Up System, and the Kentucky Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship, which is the first interdiscplinary online journal to highlight undergraduate scholarship for the commonwealth of Kentucky.

Our values include Intellectual Vitality, Professional Growth, and Collaboration & Accountability:

The URCE 2021-2025 Strategic Plan was developed along with the other divisions of the Noel Studio and in conjunction with the University's Strategic Plan. We hope that you will take advantage of these wonderful opportunities!

Strategic Goal #1: Provide opportunities for foundational learning in Research and Communication

Strategic Goal #2: Design activities that stimulate the application and transfer of Research concepts

Strategic Goal #3: Develop resources and services that foster the articulation of learned knowledge

Strategic Goal #4: Engage EKU’s Service Region through impactful partnerships and services

Here are some of the many things you can expect from URCE!

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