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Mentorship of the Month Winner for March of 2024 Joshua Reichert

Joshua Reichert and Lab Group

This month we would like to congratulation Josh Reichert and his students for teh great work that they are doing. A brief synopsis of the work that has been produced by Josh's lab is below:

The Fire Science program is fortunate to be one of the very few in the country that provides higher education and research in the fire protection field. This provides me a multitude of opportunities to collaborate with other faculty, students, and outside partners. One of our outside partners is the National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA). We are currently wrapping up a project with NFSA that included a series of full scale fire tests using our burn building at the Ashland Building. Within these burns, old standard response sprinklers and new quick response sprinklers were used inside the compartments with non-standardized fires. Thermocouples are used to record the temperature of the environment pre-sprinkler activation to help determine tenability for occupants that may be in the space at the time of a fire.


For this project, Jacob Lusthaus has been included to help analyze the data and produce the report that will be submitted to committees that produce the codes and standards regulating sprinkler systems. As a freshman, Jacob has begun to see statistical analysis and the true meaning behind the story the numbers are telling. It has been a pleasure to work with Jacob as he is always eager to learn and take on more work to help facilitate his growth.


Halena Shirran and Andrew Mohr are also two of my students that have a very high ceiling. Both are in the Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology program in which I am the coordinator and will be the President and Vice President of our student chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) in which I am the advisor. As the leader of SFPE we will continue to pursue creative endeavors to help advance our organization, program, and field.


Congrats again to Josh and his lab group. 

Published on July 08, 2024

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