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Mentorship of the Month: Zach Maggard, Ricelle Gibson, Sasha Carrasco, and Dr. Sally Chambers

Mentorship of the Month November 2023

Congratulations to our mentorship of the month winner Dr. Chambers and her students due to all of their great work and productivity.

A brief summary of their work: Research in the Chambers lab focuses on plant distributions and conservation and there are currently three students actively working on various research projects. Sasha Carrasco is an undergraduate student working on a few projects, one focusing on DNA metabarcoding to identify cryptic plants, while in the spring she will start a project studying secondary chemical compounds in the fern genus Lygodium. Ricelle Gibson is an undergraduate student who is continuing research she started over the summer as funded by an NSF REU position, where she is studying how microclimate impacts Vandenboschia boschiana sporophyte and gametophyte distributions and demographics in Kentucky. Zach Maggard, a Masters student, is studying the population genetic structure of an endangered cactus species (Harrisia aboriginum), which will provide important information to conservation managers.

Published on December 11, 2023

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